1 min read


You’re going to need a text editor to write Ruby. Although there are many options I prefer using a dedicated Ruby IDE such as RubyMine because it comes with debugging and autocomplete.

Both are critical when learning a programming language.

I’m running Xubuntu. Xubuntu comes with a Firefox web-browser. Download the Linux version of RubyMine.

Decompress the tar.gz file and open /bin folder. Drag rubymine.sh to the terminal window and run it to install RubyMine.

Use the default settings for now, including the keymap scheme and theme. You can use the free 30 day evaluation license.

Setting up version manager SDK

If you’re using a version manager with Ruby, then you have to select it in RubyMine. Go to settings and under languages and frameworks select Ruby SDK and Gems. In my case, I’m using ASDF to run Ruby 2.4.4. Select it.

Give your new project a name and create it.

Right click on the project folder => new => ruby file

Give it a name and you’ll see it generate a file name with a *.rb extension. That’s a ruby file extension.

Setting up version manager SDK

If you’re using a version manager with Ruby, then you have to select it in RubyMine. Go to settings and under languages and frameworks select Ruby SDK and Gems. In my case, I’m using ASDF to run Ruby 2.4.4. Select it.

You’re ready to type Ruby code in the main window and run it.