Javascript is asynchronous and a common pain-point is running a script before a DOM element on the page has loaded.
One way to handle this is by adding a listener to the document which listens for the DOMEContentLoaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
// Code here waits to run until the DOM is loaded.
In complicated scenarios — when several elements on the page are loading data via AJAX — the above script doesn’t work.
I use the snippet below to check when a specific DOM element is present on the page and then run code. I took it from Volomike at Stack Overflow.
const isElementLoaded = async selector => {
while ( document.querySelector(selector) === null) {
await new Promise( resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve) )
return document.querySelector(selector);
// I'm checking for a specific class .file-item and then running code. You can also check for an id or an element.
isElementLoaded('.file-item').then((selector) => {
// Run code here.
This code is clever as it loops looking for a specific selector and returns a promise.